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Securing meetings with the right fit investors is pivotal for an indie beauty startup looking to fundraise. While Jumpurse streamlines the process of connecting & pitching to investors, you need to be strategic about getting on their radar. Here are six effective ways to book investor meetings using Jumpurse:

Here are the 6 Proven Strategies to Book Investor Meetings

1. Follow Investors on Social Media

Start by following potential investors on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Their posts provide insight into their interests and current investment strategies.

Engage with their content—commenting and sharing relevant insights puts you on their radar and sets the basis for a genuine connection.

2. Email Your Investor Hook for Feedback

Once you have some engagement with the investor, send a targeted email with a clear investor hook. Instead of asking for funding outright, request a call for their feedback on your pitch or brand. Investors appreciate entrepreneurs who seek their expertise, and this can lead to deeper, more meaningful conversations.

Jumpurse has clear instructions on how to create the perfect investor hook!

3. Ready Your Brand Pitch Page on Jumpurse

Prepare your brand pitch page on Jumpurse and let it do the heavy lifting. Once your brand pitch is live, Jumpurse will showcase it to thousands of investors based on your subscription plan, a straightforward and effective way to get in front of the right people without chasing them down individually.
Also, you will get thousands of dollars worth free coaching and consulting to ready your brand pitch the right way to impress the investors!

For all 6 Ways, Subscribe to Jumpurse Premium Content!

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