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Y Combinator

Y Combinator

  • Mountain View, San Francisco Bay Area, California United States

  • Mountain View, California


  • Early-Stage/Seed


  • Accelerator


Y Combinator is a Silicon Valley-based startup accelerator and venture capital firm. They provide funding, mentorship, and resources to help startups grow rapidly. Through their accelerator program and venture capital investments, they support promising companies and foster innovation in the startup ecosystem.


Y Combinator invests in startups by providing funding, mentorship, and resources to empower them to grow and succeed.Their vision is to foster a thriving ecosystem where entrepreneurs have
the support to turn their ideas into successful businesses, driving
innovation and positive change globally.

Beauty Investments #

  • 5

Primary Sector

  • Tech/Consumer/Beauty

Beauty Exits #

  • 0

Last Beauty Invest

  • 2023-Lygg


How to Apply?

Application Period: Y Combinator typically opens applications for its batch programs twice a year, in the spring and the fall. The exact dates may vary, so it’s essential to regularly check their website or follow their announcements for updates.

Online Application: Startups interested in joining YC’s accelerator program need to fill out an online application form available on the Y Combinator website during the application period.

Application Content: The application form typically includes questions about the startup’s team, product or service, market opportunity, traction, and future plans. It’s essential to provide clear and concise answers that highlight the startup’s strengths and potential.

Demo Day: After the application process, selected startups may be invited to participate in YC’s Demo Day, where they pitch their companies to a room full of investors, mentors, and potential partners.


Strong Team: Y Combinator places significant emphasis on the founding team, looking for passionate, talented individuals with complementary skills and a track record of execution.Market Potential: They seek startups targeting large, rapidly growing markets with significant opportunities for disruption and expansion.Unique Value Proposition: Startups should offer a compelling and differentiated solution to a pressing problem or need in the market, with a clear value proposition for customers.Traction: Demonstrated traction or early signs of product-market fit, such as user growth, revenue, or engagement metrics, can strengthen a startup’s case for acceptance.Scalability: Y Combinator looks for startups with the potential for rapid scalability and significant growth, often leveraging technology or innovative business models to achieve scale.Clear Vision: Founders should have a clear vision for the future of their startup, along with a well-defined strategy for achieving their goals and milestones.Coachability: Startups should be receptive to feedback, willing to iterate and adapt their approach based on mentorship and guidance from Y Combinator and other advisors.Founder-Market Fit: The founding team should have a deep understanding of the problem they’re solving and the market they’re targeting, ideally with personal or professional experience in the industry.Defensibility: Y Combinator looks for startups with some degree of defensibility, whether through proprietary technology, network effects, or other barriers to entry that can protect their competitive position.Alignment with YC Values: Finally, startups should align with Y Combinator’s values and ethos, which include a focus on innovation, integrity, and making a positive impact on the world.

Resources Breakdown Funding Terms
  • $500K

  • SAFE=5%

  • Yes
  • Type-Y Combinator operates an on-site accelerator program
  • Duration-program typically lasts for about three months, or approximately 12 weeks.
  • Y-L
  • Yes


We don’t take a board seat.

We don’t demand 20% of your company.

We don’t demand 20% of your company.

We don’t charge fees.We don’t tell you what to do. We only offer advice.

We don’t require decks, business plans, or MBAs.









*This score calculates the likelihood of any beauty brand getting funded by the investor. The score gives weights to number of beauty investments, recency of beauty investment, number of beauty exits, inclusivity inclination, resources offered, etc.

Inclusivity Investments %
  • 17.84%
Beauty Investments #
  • 5

Beauty Exits #
  • 0
Last Beauty Invest
  • 2023-Lygg


Lead Contact

Michael Seibel




Twitter Handle

Y Combinator


1(415) 598-7720


Y Combinator focuses on early-stage startups, favoring technology-driven sectors like AI, software, and IT. Their investments are mainly in California, especially San Francisco, near their Mountain View base. They prefer non-lead positions and have a diverse portfolio across Data and Analytics, Science and Engineering, Internet Services, Health Care, Financial Services, and Sustainability. Attractive future investments would be early-stage tech startups in California with strong scalability and innovation potential.

Even though the Beauty Funder Fit is Best, treat it as a very Good Beauty Funder Fit because YC mainly entertains tech, and for a better appraisal, you could highlight how your do DTC differently leveraging tech or data.

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