- 1,000+ beauty investors/year with their contact details-email, phone, social
- Full canvas info on 500 beauty investors/quarter
- Beauty Funder Fit, Jump Conclusion & Recommendation for each investor with details on their portfolio, recent beauty investments, thesis, values, mission, etc.
- How to Apply or Pitch to these investors
Current Beauty Portfolio
Funding amount & terms
- Premium webinars & content with the top beauty investors
- 50 new investors in beauty added every week
- Brand showcase page to the investors

Preview - What you will get
I can tell this has taken a lot of work, and I just want to say I truly appreciate it. For a beauty founder I can already tell this is set to be the ultimate tool. I was using the leading investor platforms, in addition to so much research on top of it to try to get my outreach list of investors readied. Spent so much time, and realized I still missed many funds that are on your list. All of the big tools out there pale in comparison to this.

The beauty industry isn't an easy one to break into. even for those of us with extensive background in space. Despite the depth and breadth of VCs and angel investors in CA and NYC, a huge majority of them still focus on tech and it is still male dominated. The accelerators also have that bent so it's tricky for CPG and beauty. Rohit and JUMPURSE understand the unique challenges early beauty founders face. Really, nothing like this exists. The platform is easy to use. It's great to have a 360 degree view of the investor as it relates to beauty founders to understand, prep and then pitch using all the details on one single page! Highly recommend!


- Full Canvas on 200 investors/month OR 600 investors/quarter(max.) Beauty Funder Fit, Jump Conclusion & Recommendation for each investor with details on their portfolio, recent beauty investments, thesis, values, mission, etc.
- Investor contact details: phone, email, social
- How to apply
- Brand showcase page: 50 showcases/month to target investor
- Premium content and webinars
- Full Canvas on 400 investors/month OR 1,000+(no cap) investors/quarter
Beauty Funder Fit, Jump Conclusion & Recommendation for each investor with details on their portfolio, recent beauty investments, thesis, values, mission, etc. - Investor contact details: phone, email, social
- How to apply
- Brand showcase page
- Custom brand showcase page(yearly plan) shared with 50 fit investors/quarter
- Premium content and webinars
- Free 60 mins(1 call-quarterly plan)/Free 60 mins(2 calls-yearly plan) 1:1 pitch strategy call
- Full Canvas on 250 investors/month OR 750 investors/quarter(max.)
Beauty Funder Fit, Jump Conclusion & Recommendation for each investor with details on their portfolio, recent beauty investments, thesis, values, mission, etc. - Investor contact details: phone, email, social
- How to apply
- Brand showcase page
- Premium content and webinars
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