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Red Bear Angels

Red Bear Angels

  • New York, New York, United States

  • New York, New York


  • Early Stage, Seed


  • Angel Group


Red Bear Angels, founded in 2014 and based in New York, supports early-stage companies by managing term sheet negotiations and administrative details for a seamless investor experience. This investment management firm focuses on companies affiliated with Cornell University’s community, boasting over 500 members. Led by Cornell alumni, RBA operates independently of official university endorsement.


Because Cornell has such a broad network of deal sources and industry expertise, RBA has found that being opportunistic has been far more effective than a traditional, prescriptive investment strategy
As such, unlike most angel groups and venture capital firms, RBA is stage and sector agnostic.

For each investment, the team leverages the diversity of domain expertise among Cornell alumni for both due diligence and and also to support portfolio companies post investment.

Beauty Investments #

  • 1

Primary Sector

  • Sector Agnostic

Beauty Exits #

  • 0

Last Beauty Invest

  • Jan, 2014-Repairogen-$460K


How to Apply?\n\nat Red Bear Angels, we do not invite a company to pitch until a member with domain expertise commits to leading other members in the investment. That member will present you with the most credibility, eliminating a significant step of your diligence process.\n\nNext, trim the fat off your deck. Delete every word from your application that does not differentiate you, drive conversation or describe exactly what you do. You won’t stick out from the rest with blanket terms like Big Data, Marketplace or literally any adverb. But add every *real* number you can to your application. Projections get people excited, but don’t forget to emphasize all that you have already accomplished. Determine the metrics that describe the momentum behind your business, and let those tell the story.\n\nget to know the groups’ operators. Better yet, get to know them before it’s time for you to fundraise. Beyond having internal champions, it’s helpful to understand the group’s dynamics and see if it’s the right fit for you. “Do your diligence on the group before applying,” says Alicia Syrett, founder and CEO at Pantegrion Capital and member of the board of directors for New York Angels. “Talk to the entrepreneurs from the group’s portfolio companies and ask them about the process for tips. Research the members’ backgrounds for potential fit with your company. Look for alumni connections. Know which members actively and regularly lead deals and seek out warm introductions.”\n“The pitch isn’t about closing. It’s about getting another meeting,” \n\n“Don’t think of pitching as a binary outcome,” Syrett suggests. “If the group declines to proceed with your company, they haven’t rejected you forever! "}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":9153,"3":{"1":0},"9":1,"10":1,"11":4,"12":0,"16":7}">“Apply for Funding” link on the home page or, alternatively, via email to

at Red Bear Angels, we do not invite a company to pitch until a member with domain expertise commits to leading other members in the investment. That member will present you with the most credibility, eliminating a significant step of your diligence process.

Next, trim the fat off your deck. Delete every word from your application that does not differentiate you, drive conversation or describe exactly what you do. You won’t stick out from the rest with blanket terms like Big Data, Marketplace or literally any adverb. But add every *real* number you can to your application. Projections get people excited, but don’t forget to emphasize all that you have already accomplished. Determine the metrics that describe the momentum behind your business, and let those tell the story.

get to know the groups’ operators. Better yet, get to know them before it’s time for you to fundraise. Beyond having internal champions, it’s helpful to understand the group’s dynamics and see if it’s the right fit for you. “Do your diligence on the group before applying,” says Alicia Syrett, founder and CEO at Pantegrion Capital and member of the board of directors for New York Angels. “Talk to the entrepreneurs from the group’s portfolio companies and ask them about the process for tips. Research the members’ backgrounds for potential fit with your company. Look for alumni connections. Know which members actively and regularly lead deals and seek out warm introductions.”
“The pitch isn’t about closing. It’s about getting another meeting,”

“Don’t think of pitching as a binary outcome,” Syrett suggests. “If the group declines to proceed with your company, they haven’t rejected you forever!


A proven approach to investing in companies affiliated with the students, faculty, staff, and alumni of Cornell University

Resources Breakdown Funding Terms
  • $102K to $38M

  • Mentorship Networking Events
  • Type-No
  • Duration-No
  • 31
  • Yes















*This score calculates the likelihood of any beauty brand getting funded by the investor. The score gives weights to number of beauty investments, recency of beauty investment, number of beauty exits, inclusivity inclination, resources offered, etc.

Inclusivity Investments %
  • 41.94%
Beauty Investments #
  • 1

Beauty Exits #
  • 0
Last Beauty Invest
  • Jan, 2014-Repairogen-$460K


Lead Contact


Email Id


Twitter Handle

Red Bear Angels


Red Bear Angels focuses on early-stage companies, especially in Health Care, AI, and Financial Services, with a preference for New York-based businesses. They invest in sectors integrating technology and data analytics, such as Biotechnology and Agriculture, favoring innovation hubs like New York, California, and Massachusetts. The firm adopts a collaborative approach, not leading investment rounds, and targets startups leveraging technology for innovation and rapid scaling.

A casual Beauty Funder Fit, but worth a shot for early-stage beauty brands in Ney York and Massachusetts.

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