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Blue Collective

Blue Collective

  • Greater New York Area, New York, United States

  • Greater New York, New York


  • Convertible Note, Early Stage, Private Equity, Seed


  • Early Stage, Private Equity, Seed


Founded in 2014, Blue Collective is a Venture Capital investment firm based in Brooklyn, New York. The firm specializes in venture capital, buyouts, and growth investments. The firm prefers to invest in the business-to-business, software as a service, and consumer sectors.


To invest and develop phenomenal people and businesse To attract, excite, and develop phenomenal team members
To deliver superior risk-adjusted returns to our investors

Beauty Investments #

  • 4

Primary Sector

  • Sector Agnostic

Beauty Exits #

  • 0

Last Beauty Invest

  • Oct, 2017-Mented Cosmetics-$1M


How to Apply?

Our process is fast and focused on getting to know you and your business as deeply as possible. We start with a conversation first to gauge our
mutual interest in moving forward. Diligence is a series of continuing conversations with you to better understand you as a person, a
professional, a leader, an operator, and of course an entrepreneur. We try to get you a ‘yes’ as quickly as possible and a ‘no’ as quickly as
possible. Unlike many other VC’s, we believe in saying ‘no’ and giving constructive feedback (vs. ghosting you or giving a fabricated ‘no’).
When we say ‘no’, it doesn’t mean you’re not going to be a huge success. We are often wrong. It only means we are not your ‘right-fit’ investors
at that moment

Got a pitch deck, great, if not, it’s fine.


1. Venture Capital
Early stage (the earlier, the better): from day one to Series A, we want to be your first big check

Founder-driven (not thesis-driven): great founders are more valuable than great ideas and thus no category or industry is out of scope

Big capital commitments: from $250K to $2 million, we rarely lead, but we rarely let the lack of a lead stop us from investing

Early stage support that actually matters: it’s your business – we get out of your way when you don’t need us and are ready when you do with coaching, advice, emotional support (you will need it), introductions (lots of introductions), cheerleading routines (we’re good at it), and even free drinks (you may need these too)

2. Growth Equity & Buy-Out

Focus on B2B SaaS: interested in any vertical or horizontal SaaS business (the ‘nichey-er’ and ‘less sexy’, the better)

Small to medium size businesses: target businesses doing $5 to $15 million ARR, usually boot-strapped, but not always

Capital for growth and/or liquidity: financing between $5 to $50 million to drive growth and/or let you ‘take some chips off the table’

Partnership model for growth: ‘shoulder-to-shoulder’ model to create, staff, and execute the strategy and plan to take your business and people to the next level of growth

They don’t only invest in tech, Invest in first time founders, If you are pre-series A, they are interested, look for great operators and entrepreneurs first and foremost, that is, business leaders who understand their business’ unit economics from day one, are looking to build big, lasting businesses, who have the capability to learn and grow, and who have the hustle and resilience necessary for the marathon that is ‘entrepreneurship’

10X more returns on invested capital, not worried about TAM being too small as great entrepreneurs can expand demand, not just after the unicorns.

Rough guidelines but don’t let these stop you from getting in touch: ARR between $5 and $15 million                                                                          Annual growth between 10% to 30%
Annual retention higher than 95%
Typically boot-strapped, but not always
Majority of revenue from SaaS vs. on-prem

Resources Breakdown Funding Terms
  • $250K to $2 million. Rarely lead but can lead.

  • On-Demand coaching & advice.
  • Type-No
  • Duration-No
  • 52
  • Yes


People-first: be accessible to all entrepreneurs regardless of background; invest in great people first, great ideas second

Independence: maintain always our obligation to dissent, be contrary (to a fault), and speak the truth (especially when hard)

Professionalism: observe the highest ethical standards in all that we do; client-service approach with entrepreneurs and investors

Growth (not perfection): encourage mistakes and place a large premium on learning, coaching, and development

One-firm: a non-hierarchical, meritocratic team culture









*This score calculates the likelihood of any beauty brand getting funded by the investor. The score gives weights to number of beauty investments, recency of beauty investment, number of beauty exits, inclusivity inclination, resources offered, etc.

Inclusivity Investments %
  • 38.46%
Beauty Investments #
  • 4

Beauty Exits #
  • 0
Last Beauty Invest
  • Oct, 2017-Mented Cosmetics-$1M


Lead Contact



Founder and Partner


Twitter Handle





Blue Collective’s investment strategy targets early-stage ventures, particularly in the seed phase, focusing on U.S.-based companies, in pre-seed or seed stages, emphasizing strong founding teams and growth potential and are sector agnostic.

Good Beauty Funder Fit, and if you align with the detailed criteria mentioned under their thesis, you should reach out and do an introductory call at least. We recommend doing your homework on them and readying your pitch deck before asking for a call.

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